About the Reviewers
Mzabalazo Z. Ngwenya has worked extensively in the field of statistical consulting and currently works as a biometrician. He has an MSc in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Cape Town and is presently studying for a PhD. His research interests include statistical computing, machine learning, and spatial statistics. Previously, he was involved in reviewing Packt Publishing's Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing, R Statistical Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide, and Machine Learning with R.
Prabhanjan Tattar is currently working as a Business Analysis Senior Advisor at Dell Global Analytics, Dell. He has 7 years of experience as a statistical analyst. Survival analysis and statistical inference are his main areas of research/interest, and he has published several research papers in peer-reviewed journals and also authored two books on R: R Statistical Application Development by Example, Packt Publishing, and A Course in Statistics with R, Narosa Publishing. The R packages, gpk and RSADBE are also maintained by him.
Tengfei Yin earned his PhD in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) with a focus on computational biology and bioinformatics from Iowa State University, with a minor in Statistics. His research interests include information visualization, high-throughput biological data analysis, data mining, and applied statistical genetics. He has developed and maintained several software packages in R and Bioconductor.