What you need for this book
In order to follow this book, you will need the Unity 3D software available here at http://unity3d.com/unity/download.
You might have any version of Unity, but I recommend at least version 4.5; just the Add Component button and copy and paste component features will buy you some time, along with the easy inspector tooltip display through code.
You must be familiar with Unity's basic workflow; the words GameObjects, Layers, and Components should not be a secret to you.
Concerning coding skills, all the code is available here and explained with comments on each line, so if you are not familiar with it, you will still be able to understand it.
While working with this book, you will be able to create your own sprites. If you do not want or cannot create these assets by yourself, don't worry; the ones I have created for this book will be available to download with a link.
You will also need the NGUI plugin for Unity by Tasharen Entertainment. I used the latest version at the time I wrote this book, which is NGUI v3.7.6. You may buy the plugin directly on the Unity Asset Store or with the Buy button at the bottom of this page: http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=140.
For Chapter 8, Going Mobile, an Android device is recommended but not necessary.