About the Reviewer
Johnathan Iannotti is a software engineer and geek on an epic journey of life. His experience spans 15 years of technology solutions for start-ups, financial companies, healthcare, and military. He is passionate about web technology and has been creating hybrid apps since their inception. A full-stack developer by trade, he loves UX/UI, frontend development, and mobile.
He works for USAA, creating mobile applications for over 27,000 employees that serve their military membership. He is also a combat veteran having served almost a decade in the United States Army.
Johnathan spends his time innovating, coding, and making the best of it all. When he's not plugged in, he spends as much time as he can with his beautiful wife and two children who make it all possible. <3
Follow Johnathan on Twitter at @notticode
or visit his website at http://johnforhire.com/.