Practical Mobile Forensics(Second Edition)

About the Authors

Heather Mahalik is a principal forensic scientist with Oceans Edge, Inc., where she leads the forensic effort focusing on mobile and digital exploitation. She is a senior instructor and author for the SANS Institute, and she is also the course leader for the FOR585 Advanced Smartphone Forensics course. With over 13 years of experience in digital forensics, she continues to thrive on smartphone investigations, forensic course development and instruction, and research on application analysis and smartphone forensics.

Prior to joining Oceans Edge, Heather was the Mobile Exploitation Team Lead at Basis Technology. When starting her career, she worked at Stroz Friedberg and for the U.S. Department of State Computer Investigations and Forensics Lab as a contractor. Heather earned her bachelor's degree from West Virginia University. She co-authored Practical Mobile Forensics (First edition) and was the technical reviewer for Learning Android Forensics. She has authored white papers and forensic course material and has taught hundreds of courses worldwide to Law Enforcement, Military, Government, IT, eDiscovery, and other forensic professionals focusing on mobile device and digital forensics.

My first book was dedicated to the people who afforded me the opportunity to grow into the examiner I am today. This book is dedicated to those who push me to keep learning and allow me to share my knowledge – my students. Without you, I would not have had a reason to stay ahead of the curve, find those odd artifacts, and learn ways to outsmart the tools. You give me motivation to keep charging ahead. I would also like to thank metr0 for affording me opportunities to do things in my career that stretch far outside of what the norm is in forensics. I will be forever grateful.

To my husband, thank you for being such a great dad and for picking up the slack so that I can work as hard as I do. To Jack, always remember that your mama wants to be home with you and misses you while she's away. Remember that my work is important and teaching others the right way to conduct digital examinations may make your world a safer and better place. "The students" are happy you let them borrow your mommy. I would not be where I am today or able to travel and teach as much as I do without my amazing family and students.

Rohit Tamma is a security analyst currently working with Microsoft. With over 7 years of experience in the field of security, his background spans consulting/analyst roles in the areas of application security, mobile security, penetration testing, and security training. His past experiences include working with Accenture, ADP, and TCS, driving security programs for various client teams. Rohit has also coauthored Learning Android Forensics, which explains various techniques to perform forensics on the Android platform. You can contact him at or on Twitter at @RohitTamma.

Writing this book has been a great experience as it has taught me several things, which could not have been possible otherwise . I would like to dedicate this book to my parents for helping me in every possible way throughout my life.

Satish Bommisetty is a security analyst working for a Fortune 500 company. His primary areas of interest include iOS forensics, iOS application security, and web application security. He has presented at international conferences, such as ClubHACK and C0C0n. He is also one of the core members of the Hyderabad OWASP chapter. He has identified and disclosed vulnerabilities within the websites of Google, Facebook, Yandex, PayPal, Yahoo!, AT&T, and more, and is listed in their hall of fame.

I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me while producing this book.