Who this book is for
This book has all the chapters for software developers who want to start exploring the Spring framework from its core, for experienced users who want to know more about fine-tuning and integrating the framework to other popular plugins, software frameworks, or tools to solve their work-related requirements, and for experts who want to experiment more with its extensibility in building feasible workarounds and custom-based architecture to solve their respective projects. Each chapter showcases an enterprise application prototype that serves as a guide to illustrate the technical details of how to go about each chapter. It is advisable to accompany each chapter with the Eclipse projects created, which are available for download. Each project may not pass for final production, but is assured to be a finished specimen for the study.
Since this book is a compendium of all the core and advanced concepts of the Spring Framework specification, it is advisable for Spring newbies to read, understand, and crunch Chapters 1 and 3. It is recommended to study the Eclipse projects for each chapter in order to grasp fully the content of the book.