About the Reviewer
Giordano Scalzo is a developer with 20 years of programming experience, since the days of ZXSpectrum. He has worked in C++, Java, .NET, Ruby, Python and in a ton of other languages he has forgotten the names of.
After years of backend development, over the past five years, Giordano has developed extensively for iOS, releasing more than 20 apps, apps that he wrote for clients, enterprise application, or for his own company.
Currently, he is a contractor in London, where, through his company, Effective Code Ltd, http://effectivecode.co.uk, he delivers code for iOS aiming at quality and reliability.
In his spare time, when he is not crafting retro game clones for iOS, he writes his thoughts on http://giordanoscalzo.com.
I’d like to thank my better half, Valentina, who lovingly supports me in everything I do: without you, none of this would have been possible.
Thanks to my bright future, Mattia and Luca, for giving me lots of smiles and hugs when I needed them.
Finally, my gratitude goes to my mum and dad, who gave my curiosity and the support to follow my passions, begun one day when they bought me a ZXSpectrum.