Accessing the centralized apps
A DApp shouldn't depend on centralized apps because of a single point of failure. But in some cases, there is no other option. For example, if a DApp wants to read a football score, then where will it get the data from? Although a DApp can depend on another DApp, why will FIFA create a DApp? FIFA will not create a DApp just because other DApps want the data. This is because a DApp to provide scores is of no benefit as it will ultimately be controlled by FIFA completely.
So in some cases, a DApp needs to fetch data from a centralized application. But the major problem is how the DApp knows that the data fetched from a domain is not tampered by a middle service/man and is the actual response. Well, there are various ways to resolve this depending on the DApp architecture. For example, in Ethereum, for the smart contracts to access centralized APIs, they can use the Oraclize service as a middleman as smart contracts cannot make direct HTTP requests. Oraclize provides a TLSNotary proof for the data it fetches for the smart contract from centralized services.