Preparing a static server with Bootstrap 4, Harp, and Grunt
In this recipe, we will set up a static server with the help of Harp (available at https://harpjs.com/). We will use Grunt to set up the foundation for tasks to be run, and we will start with the grunt-contrib-copy, grunt-contrib-sass, and grunt-watch tasks. We will use Bootstrap 4 source code mainly because of its partial Sass files to begin with. This first recipe in this chapter will be the foundation for all the other recipes in this chapter. Hopefully, you will be able to appreciate the power that the combination of these technologies brings when joined with the Cloud9 web-based IDE.
This recipe is relatively long. If you just want to get up and run as fast as possible, you can skip the setup listed in this recipe and just clone the GitHub repository with all the files set up for you, at https://github.com/ImsirovicAjdin/bootstrap4-with-sass-harp-grunt.
To get started quickly, look at the README.md available in the repository.