About the Authors
Anthony Minessale II is the primary author and founding member of the
FreeSWITCH Open Source Soft-Switch. Anthony has spent around 20 years working
with open source software. In 2001, Anthony spent a great deal of time contributing
code to the Asterisk PBX and has authored numerous features and fixes to that
project. In 2005, Anthony started coding a new idea for an open source voice
application. The FreeSWITCH project was officially open to the public on January 1
2006. In the years that followed, Anthony has been actively maintaining and leading
the software development of the FreeSWITCH project. Anthony also founded the
ClueCon Technology Conference in 2005, and he continues to oversee the production
of this annual event.
Anthony has been the author of several FreeSWITCH books, including FreeSWITCH
1.0.6, FreeSWITCH 1.2, FreeSWITCH Cookbook,FreeSWITCH 1.6 Cookbook, and Mastering FreeSWITCH
Giovanni Maruzzelli (gmaruzz@OpenTelecom.IT) is heavily engaged with
FreeSWITCH. In it, he wrote a couple of endpoint modules, and he is specialized
in industrial grade deployments and solutions. He's the curator and coauthor of
FreeSWITCH 1.6 Cookbook (Packt Publishing, 2015), and of Mastering FreeSWITCH (Packt Publishing, 2016)
He's a consultant in the telecommunications sector, developing software and
conducting training courses for FreeSWITCH, SIP, WebRTC, Kamailio, and OpenSIPS.
As an Internet technology pioneer, he was the cofounder of Italia Online in 1996,
which was the most popular Italian portal and consumer ISP. Also, he was the
architect of its Internet technologies Italia Online (IOL). Back then, Giovanni
was the supervisor of Internet operations and the architect of the first engine
for paid access to il Sole 24 Ore, the most-read financial newspaper in
Italy, and its databases (migrated from the mainframe). After that, he was the
CEO of the venture capital-funded company Matrice, developing telemail unified
messaging and multiple-language phone access to e-mail (text to speech). He was
also the CTO of the incubator-funded company Open4, an open source managed
applications provider. For 2 years, Giovanni worked in Serbia as an Internet and
telecommunications investment expert for IFC, an arm of the World Bank.
Since 2005, he has been based in Italy, and he serves ICT and telecommunication
companies worldwide.
And I like to thank Tony, Brian, Mike, Ken, Italo, and Seven for the incredible efforts they put into FreeSWITCH, and for the incredible results those efforts bears for us all to enjoy. Thanks my guys!
Anthony Minessale II, you get a special personal thank you for bearing your role with so much grace.