About the Reviewers
Devesh Raj is a data scientist with 10 years of experience in developing algorithms and solving problems in various domains--healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, production, and so on, applying machine learning (supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques) and deep learning on structured and unstructured data (computer vision and NLP).
Gayetri Thakur is a linguist working in the area of natural language processing. She has worked on co-developing NLP tools such as automatic grammar checker, named entity recognizer, and text-to-speech and speech-to-text systems. She currently works for Google India Pvt.Ltd. India.
She is pursuing a PhD in linguistics and has completed her masters in linguistics from Banaras Hindu University.
Prabhanjan Tattar has over 9 years of experience as a statistical analyst. Survival analysis and statistical inference are his main areas of research/interest, and he has published several research papers in peer-reviewed journals and authored three books on R: R Statistical Application Development by Example, Packt Publishing, A Course in Statistics with R, Wiley, and Practical Data Science Cookbook, Packt Publishing. He also maintains the R packages gpk, RSADBE, and ACSWR.
Chirag Mahapatra is a software engineer who works on applying machine learning and natural language processing to problems in trust and safety. He currently works at Trooly (acquired by Airbnb). In the past, he has worked at A9.com on the ads data platform.