Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming(Second Edition)

Using macros

We define macros in this code to avoid repeatability and to make the code shorter. Here are the macros we have used in this code:

   <xacro:macro name="inertial_matrix" params="mass"> 
        <mass value="${mass}" /> 
        <inertia ixx="1.0" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.5" iyz="0.0" izz="1.0" /> 

This is the definition of the inertial matrix macro, in which we can use mass as its parameter:

   <xacro:macro name="transmission_block" params="joint_name"> 
    <transmission name="tran1"> 
      <joint name="${joint_name}"> 
      <actuator name="motor1"> 

In the section of the code, we can see the definition using the transmission tag.

The transmission tag relates a joint to an actuator. It defines the type of transmission that we are using in a particular joint, as well as the type of motor and its parameters. It also defines the type of hardware interface we use when we interface with the ROS controllers.