Distributed Computing with Go

Serial task execution

Let's first implement a program that will execute all the tasks in a linear manner. Based on the code overview we discussed previously, the following code should be straightforward:

package main 
import ( 
// Simple individual tasks 
func makeHotelReservation() { 
    fmt.Println("Done making hotel reservation.") 
func bookFlightTickets() { 
    fmt.Println("Done booking flight tickets.") 
func orderADress() { 
    fmt.Println("Done ordering a dress.") 
func payCreditCardBills() { 
    fmt.Println("Done paying Credit Card bills.") 
// Tasks that will be executed in parts 
// Writing Mail 
func writeAMail() { 
    fmt.Println("Wrote 1/3rd of the mail.") 
func continueWritingMail1() { 
    fmt.Println("Wrote 2/3rds of the mail.") 
func continueWritingMail2() { 
    fmt.Println("Done writing the mail.") 
// Listening to Audio Book 
func listenToAudioBook() { 
    fmt.Println("Listened to 10 minutes of audio book.") 
func continueListeningToAudioBook() { 
    fmt.Println("Done listening to audio book.") 
// All the tasks we want to complete in the day. 
// Note that we do not include the sub tasks here. 
var listOfTasks = []func(){ 
    makeHotelReservation, bookFlightTickets, orderADress, 
    payCreditCardBills, writeAMail, listenToAudioBook, 
func main() { 
    for _, task := range listOfTasks { 

We take each of the main tasks and start executing them in simple sequential order. Executing the preceding code should produce unsurprising output, as shown here:

Done making hotel reservation.
Done booking flight tickets.
Done ordering a dress.
Done paying Credit Card bills.
Wrote 1/3rd of the mail.
Wrote 2/3rds of the mail.
Done writing the mail.
Listened to 10 minutes of audio book.
Done listening to audio book.