Editing customer Sales & Purchases
The bottom area of the customer screen is divided into a series of tabs or pages that assist in organizing customer information. In the Sales & Purchases page, we can assign such options as a salesperson and other sales-related options.

Sales & Purchases page
The available options in the customer Sales & Purchases page are:
- Is a Customer: This is the customer checkbox known in Odoo as a Boolean field. It can be marked checked or unchecked. Odoo has a unique method of storing data related to people in the system. All individuals are stored in the same table (res_partner) regardless if they are a customer or supplier. The customer flag tells Odoo that this is in fact a customer record. This field must be checked for Odoo to recognize Mike Smith as a customer.
- Salesperson: The salesperson field allows you to select who the direct salesperson will be for this customer. While the field is not required, it is often populated if you are integrating your sales management system with the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module. We will use this field in the chapter on CRM; for now, we can leave the field blank.
- Internal Reference: Often when implementing Odoo, a company already has an existing customer numbering system in place. The reference field is the perfect field to populate with an existing customer number. Otherwise, this field can be left blank or used for another purpose. For our example, we are going to leave this field blank.
- Is a Vendor: Because Odoo stores customer and vendor data in the same table, it is possible to be both a customer and a supplier. In this example, we will keep Mike Smith as a customer only.
Odoo uses a common database to store customer and supplier records. This makes it easier to manage data as customers, and suppliers are designated by simple checkboxes in the Sales & Purchases page on the customer screen.