By default, Rust will perform level 3 optimizations in the code. Optimizations get divided into levels depending on how complex they are. Higher-level optimizations, in theory, improve the performance of the code greatly, but they might have bugs that could change the behavior of the program. Usually, level 1 optimizations are totally safe, and level 2 optimizations are the most-used ones in the C/C++ ecosystem. Level 3 optimizations have not been known to cause any issues, but in some critical situations, it might be better to avoid them. This can be configured, but we should first understand how the Rust compiler compiles the code to machine instructions so that we know what different options accomplish.
Rust first starts with parsing your code files. It will get the keywords and the different symbols to create a representation of the code in memory. This parsing will find common errors such as a missing semicolon or an invalid keyword. This memory representation of the code is called High Intermediate Representation (HIR). This representation of the code will be greatly simplified, removing complex flow structures and converting it into Middle Intermediate Representation (MIR).
The MIR representation is then used to check more complex flows of the software, and enables complex variable lifetime checks, along with some other improvements. This is then converted to the LLVM Intermediate Representation and gets passed to the LLVM compiler. When passing this code to LLVM, Rust adds some flags that will modify the way that LLVM optimizes the code. We have already seen that by default one of the flags it passes is the -O0 flag, or do not optimize flag, so it simply translates to machine code. When compiling in release mode, though, a -O3 gets passed so that level 3 optimizations get performed.
This behavior can be configured in the Cargo.toml file of the project and it can be configured for each profile. You can configure how to compile for tests, development, documentation, benchmarks, and release. You will probably want to keep development and documentation optimizations to a minimum, as in those profiles the main idea is to compile quickly. In the case of the development profile, you will want to check if everything compiles properly, and even test the behavior of the program a little bit, but you probably won't be concerned about the performance. When generating the documentation, the performance of the application doesn't matter at all, so the best idea is to just not optimized.
When testing, the optimization level you need will depend on how many tests you want to run and how computationally expensive they are. If it takes a really long time to run the tests, it may make sense to compile them optimized. Also, in some critical situations in which you might not be 100% sure that optimizations get performed in a completely secure way, you might want to optimize the tests the same way you optimize the release, and that way you can check if all unit and integration tests pass properly even after optimizations. If they don't, this is a compiler malfunction, and you should report it to the Rust compiler team. They will be glad to help.
Of course, benchmarks and release profiles should be the most optimized ones. In benchmarks, you will want to know the real optimized performance of the code, while in the release, you will want your users to get the best out of their hardware and your software to make things run as efficiently as possible. In these cases, you will want to optimize up to level 2 at least, and if you are not sending satellites to space or programming a pacemaker, you will probably want to optimize all the way up to level 3.