Loading the test files
First up, let's go ahead and create a local variable called app, and we're going to be using ES6 destructuring to pull it off of the return result from requiring the server file. Here, we're going to start by getting the relative path. Then, we're going to go back one directory from tests into server. The filename is simply server without the extension. We can do the exact same thing for the Todo model as well.
We're going to make a constant called Todo. We're using ES6 destructuring to pull that off of the export, and the file is from the relative path, back a directory. Then we have to go into the models directory, and finally, the filename is called todo:
const expect = require('expect');
const request = require('supertest');
const {app} = require('./../server'); const {Todo} = require('./../models/todo');
And now that we have all of this loaded in, we are ready to create our describe block and add our test cases.