Creating a multi-module Maven project
A multi-module Maven project aggregates several Maven projects into a single one. In this chapter, we will create three modules that form the whole application:
- webapp: A Vaadin web application packaged as a WAR file that includes everything needed to deploy it to a server such as Tomcat, Wildfly, Jetty, or any other Java server
- api: A Java API packaged as a JAR used by the webapp and any functional module
- example-module: An example functional module that uses the api JAR to add functionality to the application
All these modules are aggregated into a single Maven project with the name chapter-02. Let's start by creating this aggregator project by using the pom-root Maven archetype. Run the following in a terminal:
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=pom-root \
Use the following properties when prompted:
- groupId: packt.vaadin.datacentric
- artifactId: chapter-02
- version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- package: packt.vaadin.datacentric.chapter02
When using this archetype, Maven generates a pom.xml file for a top-level multi-module or aggregator project. You can remove the <name> tag as it’s redundant for our purposes. Modify the file to include a property for the Vaadin version:
<project xmlns="…" xsi:schemaLocation="…">
This project (chapter-02) can be seen as the root directory for a full-blown application that contains several Maven modules, each one dedicated to a specific aspect of the functionality of the system.