Game Programming using Qt 5 Beginner's Guide

What just happened?

The state variable is a bitmask holding the possible states of the item. You can check its value against the values of the QStyle::StateFlag parameter using bitwise operators. In the preceding case, the state variable is checked against the State_Selected parameter. If this flag is set, we use green color for the pen.

The type of state is QFlags<StateFlag>. So, instead of using the bitwise operator to test whether a flag is set, you can use the convenient function testFlag().

Used with the preceding example, it would be as follows:

if (option->state.testFlag(QStyle::State_Selected)) {  

The most important states you can use with items are described in the following table:

State Description


Indicates that the item is enabled. If the item is disabled, you may want to draw it as grayed out.


Indicates that the item has the input focus. To receive this state, the item needs to have the ItemIsFocusable flag set.


Indicates that the cursor is currently hovering over the item. To receive this state, the item needs to have the acceptHoverEvents variable set to true.


Indicates that the item is selected. To receive this state, the item needs to have the ItemIsSelectable flag set. The normal behavior would be to draw a dashed line around the item as a selection marker.


Besides the state, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem offers much more information about the currently used style, such as the palette and the font used, accessible through the QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::palette and QStyleOptionGraphicsItem::fontMetrics parameters, respectively. If you aim for style-aware items, take a deeper look at this class in the documentation.