In this chapter, we covered how to install TensorFlow 1.4 on Mac and Ubuntu, how to set up a cost effective NVIDIA GPU on Ubuntu for faster model training, and how to set up Xcode and Android Studio for mobile AI app development. We also showed you how to run some cool sample TensorFlow iOS and Android apps. We'll discuss in detail in the rest of the book how to build and train, or retrain each of those models used in the apps, and many others, on our GPU-powered Ubuntu system, and show you how to deploy the models in iOS and Android apps and write the code to use the models in your mobile AI apps. Now that we're all set and ready, we can't wait to hit the road. It'll be an exciting journey, a journey we'd certainly be happy to share with our friends. So why not start with our best friends, and let's see what it takes to build a dog breed recognition app?