- What are the three main Docker components? choose one:
- Docker Container, Docker Image, Docker Registry
- Docker Hub, Docker Image, Docker Registry
- Docker Runtime, Docker Image, Docker Hub
- Docker Container, Docker Image, Docker Hub
- Choose two valid registry types:
- Personal Registry
- Private Registry
- Public Registry
- Security Registry
- The main purpose of Docker Persistent Storage is to make sure that an application data is saved if a container dies:
- True
- False
- What Linux feature controls resource limitations for a Docker container? choose one:
- Cgroups
- Namespaces
- SELinux
- chroot
- What commands can be used to build a custom image from a Dockerfile? choose two:
- docker build -t new_httpd_image .
- docker build -t new_httpd_image .\
- docker build -t new_httpd_image ($pwd)
- docker build -t new_httpd_image ./
- The docker commit command saves Docker images to an upstream repository:
- True
- False