Building, testing, and deploying on AWS Lambda
We described the basic uses of Zappa with some basic commands in the previous chapter. Using these commands, we can build the deployment package, deploy the application, and perform other basic operations.
Once you have the zappa_settings.json file in place with all of the valid attributes, you can start the deployment process by using the zappa deploy <stage_name> command. As per our zappa_settings.json file, we have one stage defined as dev, so, to start the deployment, we can run the deploy command, as shown in the following code:
$ zappa deploy dev
The following screenshot describes the deployment flow:

Once the Zappa deployment is complete, it generates a random API gateway endpoint. Zappa configures AWS Lambda with API Gateway based on the zappa_settings.json file.
Now, the Flask application is available through the previously generated API. Let's test it to see the Hello World! response from the Flask application. You can hit the URL in the browser, as shown in the following screenshot:

Now, let's move on to the next section to see an application development using the Flask framework.