Selenium WebDriver 3 Practical Guide

The clear() method

The clear action is similar to the sendKeys() method, which is applicable for the textbox and textarea elements. This is used to erase the text entered in a WebElement using the sendKeys() method. This can be achieved using the Keys.BACK_SPACE enum, but WebDriver has given us an explicit method to clear the text easily. The API syntax for the clear() method is as follows:

void clear()

This method doesn't take any input and doesn't return any output. It is simply executed on the target text-entry element.

Now, let's see how we can clear text that is entered in the Search box. The code example for it is as follows:

public void elementClearExample() {
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));

We have used the WebElement's clear() method to clear the text after typing phones into the Search box.