Course format
If you've not had a chance to explore the Site administration menu, you should know first that while there are lots of "techie" settings, there are also many less technical settings that impact how the site works for course designers, teachers, and students. In fact, we would propose that for any Moodle site, make sure that at least two people review the site settings: first, a system administrator who is focused on the technical needs, and second, an instructional technologist who is focused on the settings that impact those delivering and receiving instruction.
From the Site administration menu, click on Advanced features. You will find a long list of options:
In this section, we'll present our recommendations for a few of the most broadly applicable instructional settings, along with a list of other settings that we encourage you to explore and consider in light of your organization's unique needs.
You will have to complete the following tasks:
- Activate filters so that certain items, such as links and videos, will automatically appear in your course
- Click on Enable completion tracking so that students can keep track of their pace in your course
- Click on Enable plagiarism plugins so that you can configure plagiarism plugins such as Turnitin.com: