Operating ReplicaSets
What would happen if we delete the ReplicaSet? As you might have guessed, both the ReplicaSet and everything it created (the Pods) would disappear with a single kubectl delete -f rs/go-demo-2.yml command. However, since ReplicaSets and Pods are loosely coupled objects with matching labels, we can remove one without deleting the other. We can, for example, remove the ReplicaSet we created while leaving the two Pods intact.
kubectl delete -f rs/go-demo-2.yml \ --cascade=false
We used the --cascade=false argument to prevent Kubernetes from removing all the downstream objects. As a result, we got the confirmation that replicaset "go-demo-2" was deleted. Let's confirm that it is indeed removed from the system.
kubectl get rs
As expected, the output states that no resources were found.
If --cascade=false indeed prevents Kubernetes from removing the downstream objects, the Pods should continue running in the cluster. Let's confirm the assumption.
kubectl get pods
The output is as follows:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE go-demo-2-md5xp 2/2 Running 0 9m go-demo-2-vnmf7 2/2 Running 0 9m
The two Pods created by the ReplicaSet are indeed still running in the cluster even though we removed the ReplicaSet.
The Pods that are currently running in the cluster do not have any relation with the ReplicaSet we created earlier. We deleted the ReplicaSet, and the Pods are still there. Knowing that the ReplicaSet uses labels to decide whether the desired number of Pods is already running in the cluster, should lead us to the conclusion that if we create the same ReplicaSet again, it should reuse the two Pods that are running in the cluster. Let's confirm that.
In addition to the kubectl create command we executed previously, we'll also add the --save-config argument. It'll save the configuration of the ReplicaSet thus allowing us to perform a few additional operations later on. We'll get to them shortly. For now, the important thing is that we are about to create the same ReplicaSet we had before.
kubectl create -f rs/go-demo-2.yml \ --save-config
The output states that the replicaset "go-demo-2" was created. Let's see what happened with the Pods.
kubectl get pods
The output is as follows:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE go-demo-2-md5xp 2/2 Running 0 10m go-demo-2-vnmf7 2/2 Running 0 10m
If you compare the names of the Pods, you'll see that they are the same as before we created the ReplicaSet. It looked for matching labels, deduced that there are two Pods that match them, and decided that there's no need to create new ones. The matching Pods fulfil the desired number of replicas.
Since we saved the configuration, we can apply an updated definition of the ReplicaSet. For example, we can use rs/go-demo-2-scaled.yml file that differs only in the number of replicas set to 4. We could have created the ReplicaSet with apply in the first place, but we didn't. The apply command automatically saves the configuration so that we can edit it later on. The create command does not do such thing by default so we had to save it with --save-config.
kubectl apply -f rs/go-demo-2-scaled.yml
This time, the output is slightly different. Instead of saying that the ReplicaSet was created, we can see that it was configured:
Let's take a look at the Pods.
kubectl get pods
The output is as follows:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE go-demo-2-ckmtv 2/2 Running 0 50s go-demo-2-lt4qm 2/2 Running 0 50s go-demo-2-md5xp 2/2 Running 0 11m go-demo-2-vnmf7 2/2 Running 0 11m
As expected, now there are four Pods in the cluster. If you pay closer attention to the names of the Pods, you'll notice that two of them are the same as before.
When we applied the new configuration with replicas set to 4 instead of 2, Kubernetes updated the ReplicaSet which, in turn, evaluated the current state of the Pods with matching labels. It found two with the same labels and decided to create two more so that the new desired state can match the actual state.
Let's see what happens when a Pod is destroyed.
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o name \ | tail -1) kubectl delete $POD_NAME
We retrieved all the Pods and used -o name to retrieve only their names. The result was piped to tail -1 so that only one of the names is output. The result is stored in the environment variable POD_NAME. The latter command used that variable to remove the Pod as a simulation of a failure.
Let's take another look at the Pods in the cluster:
kubectl get pods
The output is as follows:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE go-demo-2-ckmtv 2/2 Running 0 10m go-demo-2-lt4qm 2/2 Running 0 10m go-demo-2-md5xp 2/2 Running 0 13m go-demo-2-t8sfs 2/2 Running 0 30s go-demo-2-vnmf7 0/2 Terminating 0 13m
We can see that the Pod we deleted is terminating. However, since we have a ReplicaSet with replicas set to 4, as soon as it discovered that the number of Pods dropped to 3, it created a new one. We just witnessed self-healing in action. As long as there are enough available resources in the cluster, ReplicaSets will make sure that the specified number of Pod replicas are (almost) always up-and-running.
Let's see what happens if we remove one of the Pod labels ReplicaSet uses in its selector.
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o name \ | tail -1) kubectl label $POD_NAME service- kubectl describe $POD_NAME
We used the same command to retrieve the name of one of the Pods and executed the command that removed the label service. Please note - at the end of the name of the label. It is the syntax that indicates that a label should be removed:
Finally, we described the Pod:
The output of the last command, limited to the labels section, is as follows:
... Labels: db=mongo language=go type=backend ...
As you can see, the label service is gone.
Now, let's list the Pods in the cluster and check whether there is any change:
kubectl get pods --show-labels
The output is as follows:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE LABELS go-demo-2-ckmtv 2/2 Running 0 24m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-lt4qm 2/2 Running 0 24m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-md5xp 2/2 Running 0 28m db=mongo,language=go,type=backend go-demo-2-nrnbh 2/2 Running 0 4m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-t8sfs 2/2 Running 0 15m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend
The total number of Pods increased to five. The moment we removed the service label from one of the Pods, the ReplicaSet discovered that the number of Pods matching the selector labels is three and created a new Pod. Right now, we have four Pods controlled by the ReplicaSet and one running freely due to non-matching labels.
What would happen if we add the label we removed?
kubectl label $POD_NAME service=go-demo-2 kubectl get pods --show-labels
We added the service=go-demo-2 label and listed all the Pods.
The output of the latter command is as follows:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE LABELS go-demo-2-ckmtv 2/2 Running 0 28m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-lt4qm 2/2 Running 0 28m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-md5xp 2/2 Running 0 31m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-nrnbh 0/2 Terminating 0 7m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend go-demo-2-t8sfs 2/2 Running 0 18m db=mongo,language=go,service=go-demo-2,type=backend
The moment we added the label, the ReplicaSet discovered that there are five Pods with matching selector labels. Since the specification states that there should be four replicas of the Pod, it removed one of the Pods so that the desired state matches the actual state.
The previous few examples showed, one more time, that ReplicaSets and Pods are loosely coupled through matching labels and that ReplicaSets are using those labels to maintain the parity between the actual and the desired state. So far, self-healing worked as expected.