About the reviewer
Abdullah al Mamun is a professional software engineer and researcher. He has completed his graduation from rajshahi university of engineering & technology (RUET) and BSc in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Currently, he is working as a Senior Executive Officer of the Software section in Primeasia University. As a professional software engineer, he has experience in object-oriented design, software architectures, design patterns, test-driven development, and project management. Also, he is interested in research in the fields of artificial intelligence, neural network, pattern recognition, and machine learning. His research has been published in different international journals and conferences, including IEEE.
This Hands-On Markov Models with Python book is a good reference for those involved with teaching and also research and development. In this book, the authors explain the Hidden Markov Model and its real-time application, illustrated with Python source code. I would like to express my gratitude toward the books authors and Packt Publishing for their wonderful collaboration.