Installing MongoDB on Linux
It is important to understand the MongoDB installation process on Linux, even if you are a developer or IT professional and are not using Linux personally, it's extremely likely that the internet-facing server you or your customer use is running Linux. W3Techs (https://w3techs.com/), a company that does web technology surveys, estimates that in 2018, the running on Linux was at 68.1% compared with 32% for Windows.
There are three primary considerations when installing MongoDB on Linux, each of which we will address in turn:
- Linux based upon Debian and Ubuntu
- Linux based upon RedHat, Fedora, and CentOS
- Installing directly from source code
With the bewildering array of Linux distributions currently available, it is difficult to decide which version to feature for the purposes of demonstrating MongoDB on Linux. A significant number of Linux distributions are based on either Debian or Red Hat Linux. Accordingly, this section covers installing MongoDB on both. A website which gives good insight on all reported Linux distributions is DistroWatch ( https://distrowatch.com/). Linux Mint ( https://linuxmint.com/), although now extremely popular, wasn't included here, as it's Debian-based and not as commercially available as Ubuntu.