Horizon Composer service account
Horizon Composer requires access to the vCenter Server in order to perform tasks related to the creation and management of virtual desktops. To facilitate this access, you can either grant additional permissions to the Horizon Connection Server vCenter user account created in Chapter 2, Implementing Horizon Connection Server, or create a dedicated AD user account that Horizon Composer will use to access the vCenter Server and AD.
In Chapter 2, Implementing Horizon Connection Server, we granted the vSphere permissions required just for the Horizon Connection Server itself. In the examples provided in this chapter, we will use a new dedicated account named Svc-horizoncomp. Similar to Horizon Connection Servers, grant whichever account you use with Composer local administrator access on the Composer host server, as well as the needed privileges in AD and vSphere as outlined in this chapter.
This section assumes that you will use a dedicated AD account for Horizon Composer.