To get the most out of this book
This book comes with a lot of code examples and implementations. For you to learn the most that you can, it is recommended to install Rust (any version later than 1.33 should do) and run all of the examples. Here are a few recommendations for text editors and other tools:
- Microsoft's Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/), arguably one of the best Rust code editors
- Rust support for Visual Studio Code via a plugin (https://github.com/rust-lang/rls-vscode)
- Rust Language Server (RLS), found at https://github.com/rust-lang/rls-vscode, installed via rustup (https://rustup.rs/)
- Debugging support using the LLDB frontend plugin (https://github.com/vadimcn/vscode-lldb) for Visual Studio Code
Having this environment set up and being familiar with it is great for your daily Rust programming, and will let you debug and inspect the workings of the code provided in this book. For you to get the most out of this book, we recommend that you do the following:
- Check out the source code in the repository to get the whole picture. The snippets are only isolated examples to show specifics.
- Don't blindly trust our results; run the tests and benchmarks of each sub-project (chapters) to reproduce the findings yourself.