About the authors
Colin Dow is the owner and chief engineer of Sigma Rockets and Aerospace Inc., a model aerospace business. He has enjoyed working with numerous educational facilities and hobbyists in delivering product sales, presentations, and aerospace workshops over the years. Colin has extensive experience of creating website content, educational documentation, and instructional videos. He has been a programmer since early home computers first caught his eye. He has worked as a software developer for some of Canada's largest companies, using technologies, such as Python, Java, J2EE, PHP, Pearl, Ruby on Rails, Apache, and SOAP web services. Colin has extensive experience of creating website content, educational documentation, and instructional videos.
Perry Lea has spent 21 years at Hewlett Packard as a distinguished technologist and chief architect. Then, he served as a member of technical staff and strategic director at Micron Technologies leading a team working on advanced computing devices. Currently, he is a technical director at Cradlepoint where he leads advancement and research in IoT and fog compute. Perry has degrees in computer science, computer engineering, and an EE degree from Columbia University. He is a senior member of IEEE and a senior member and distinguished speaker of ACM. He has 8 patents with 40 pending.