Conventions used
There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.
CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: "Next, we have the Mother class, which extends Grandmother and has its own constructor method."
A block of code is set as follows:
Mother() {
System.out.println("Mother constructor executed.");
When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:
public abstract class MotorHomeAbstractFactory {
public abstract Frame createFrame();
public abstract Style createStyle();
public abstract Engine createEngine();
public abstract Kitchen createKitchen();
Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: "Beneath the Receive Order node is a horizontal black bar referred to as a fork."
Warnings or important notes appear like this.
Tips and tricks appear like this.