About the reviewers
Narendranath Reddy is an experienced full-stack software engineer and Hyperledger Fabric expert with a proven track record of helping enterprises to build production-ready, blockchain-backed applications. He is an experienced innovator and a creative thinker. He has won four hackathons on blockchain and is a keynote speaker, regularly speaking about blockchain and distributed ledgers. He is currently working as a Hyperledger Fabric engineer at Consensys, Dubai, and previously worked as a blockchain developer at Blockgemini, Dubai, and a software developer at UST Global, Trivandrum, and Spain, Madrid.
Iqbal Singh is the CEO and founder of Immanent Solutions, a management consulting and blockchain solutions firm based in Chandigarh, India. He is also the chief blockchain architect for the Blockchain Solutions Asia 2018 conference. Iqbal possesses 15 years' extensive hands-on experience in blockchain, IT, IoT, AI, automation, and the RIA industry. Iqbal has provided business solutions for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and R3's Corda blockchain platform. He heads 30 professional teams working in the fields of data science, algorithms, cryptography (SHA256, X11, and Script), blockchain, ICOs, Coin, ERC20, Exchange, BTC, and ETH Expert Architect.