Product owner
As a product owner, the low cost of entry into very complex technology is a huge win. Chapter 3, Availability Patterns - Understanding Your Needs, will analyze the cost benefits of using AWS to provide global availability. The ability to move from hourly pricing to longer term subscriptions will give you a good baseline for product operating expenses. Avoiding inferior and counterproductive solutions will be the topic of Chapter 9, Antipatterns - Avoiding Counterproductive Solutions, and Chapter 13, Anti-Patterns - Bypassing Inferior Options. The shared responsibility model AWS provides will be explored in Chapter 4, Security - Ensuring the Integrity of Your Systems. By inheriting industry standard security controls, you can concentrate on user-centric product aspects.
Letting AWS manage the services at scale lets you avoid investing in dedicated support staff. Amazon has also adopted the freemium pattern for their own support. Start small and expand if you need more help: