Sandbox approach to open contribution
The creation of a working group for a potential MicroProfile sub-project may also be assigned a sandbox, which is another resource that the MicroProfile community offers to try out new ideas. The sandbox repository, which is a GitHub repository located at https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-sandbox, is for incubating ideas and code examples that will eventually turn into a separate repository for a new specification. Anybody can open pull requests and use the sandbox for experimentation of new ideas and to share code and documentation, which can be used as part of the discussion in the community Google Group, the MicroProfile Hangout calls, or working group meetings. Keeping your pull requests open will also allow discussion of your code and documentation within the community. Potential sub-projects live under the sandbox directory named proposals (https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-sandbox/tree/master/proposals).
If you need to accept and merge a pull request, you need to contact one of the MicroProfile project committers (https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.microprofile/who) for guidance.
Likewise, if you feel that your idea has reached a level of maturity that deserves its own separate repository, that is graduating out of the sandbox, then you need to contact one of the MicroProfile project committers for guidance and/or reach them via the MicroProfile mailing list: microprofile@googlegroups.com. These graduation requests are also discussed at the MicroProfile Hangout call/meeting.