Jailbreaking is the process of removing limitations imposed by Apple's mobile OS through the use of software and hardware exploits. Jailbreaking permits unsigned code to run and gain root access on the OS. The most common reason for jailbreaking is to expand the limited feature set imposed by Apple's App Store and to install unapproved apps. Jailbreaking can aid in forensic acquisition but will void the user's warranty, potentially brick the device, and may not support being restored to the factory settings.
Many publicly available jailbreaking tools add an unofficial application installer to the device, such as Cydia, which allows users to install many third-party applications, tools, tweaks, and apps from an online file repository. The software downloaded from Cydia opens up endless possibilities on a device that a non-jailbroken device would never be able to do. The most popular jailbreaking tools are Pangu, TaiG, Electra, and Unc0ver. Not all iOS versions are jailbreakable. The following table will help you to choose the appropriate jailbreak tool according to the device you have and its iOS version:
Version Release date Tool
iPhone OS 1.0 June 29, 2007 (no name)
iPhone OS 2.0 July 11, 2008 PwnageTool
iPhone OS 3.0 June 17, 2009 PwnageTool
iOS 4.0 June 21, 2010 PwnageTool
iOS 5.0 October 12, 2011 redsn0w
iOS 6.0 September 19, 2012 redsn0w
iOS 7.0 - 7.0.6 September 18, 2013 evasi0n7
iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2 May 29, 2014 Pangu
iOS 8.0 - 8.1 September 17, 2014 Pangu8
iOS 8.1.1 - 8.4 November 17, 2014 TaiG, PP Jailbreak
iOS 8.4.1 August 13, 2015
iOS 9.0 September 16, 2015 Pangu9
iOS 9.1 October 21, 2015 Pangu9
iOS 9.3.5 August 25, 2016 Phoenix
iOS 10.0 - 10.1.1 September 13, 2016 Yalu
iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 September 19, 2017 LiberiOS
iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 September 19, 2017 Electra1112
iOS 11.0 - 11.4.1 July 7, 2018 Electra1131
iOS 11.0 - 11.4.1 October 14, 2018 Unc0ver
iOS 12.0 - 12.2, 12.4 - 12.4.2 September 17, 2019 Chimera, Unc0ver
iOS 12.3 - 13.2.3 November 10, 2019 checkra1n
We have now learned about the jailbreaking process and have had a look at the different jailbreaking tools currently available.