About the reviewer
Karan Bhanot is a computer science graduate from Punjab Engineering College, India. He is a machine learning and data science enthusiast. He has worked on numerous projects involving Python, Jupiter Notebook, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Flask, Flask-RESTPlus, neural networks (Keras and TensorFlow), R, Shiny, Leaflet, and ggplot. As a frontend developer, he has also worked on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. He is currently pursuing a PhD in computer science with a research focus on data science and machine learning. He is active on GitHub and blogs his ideas and learnings on online blogging websites such as Medium.
I would like to thank my sister, Ms. Naina Bhanot, and my parents, Mr. Arvind Bhanot and Mrs. Savita Bhanot, for always supporting me in all my endeavors.