The Vitality of Hong Kong
A Collection of "Hong Kong's nature" by Kong Kai Ming
著者 江啟明
Author Kong Kai Ming
題字 金嘉倫
翻譯 王璐瑤
責任編輯 謝慧莉
裝幀設計 明 志
印務 劉漢舉
出版 中華書局(香港)有限公司
電話:(852)2137 2338 傳真:(852)2713 8202
發行 香港聯合書刊物流有限公司
電話:(852)2150 2100 傳真:(852)2407 3062
印刷 中華商務聯合印刷(香港)有限公司
版次 2016年6月初版
規格 280mm×280mm
國際書號 978-988-8394-78-4
Inscription by King Chia Lun
Former Senior Staff Tutor in Art Courses School of Continuing Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Translation by Louisa Lo-yiu Wong
Wong studied translation at the undergraduate level due to her passion for words and her belief in effective communication of ideas across language barriers. She is now pursuing a career in the legal industry.
Editor Sia Wai Li
Design MingChi
Print Production Lau Hon Kui
Published by Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.
Flat B, 1/F, North Point Industrial Building, 499 King's Road, North Point, H.K.
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Printed by C & C Joint Printing Co., (H.K.) Ltd.
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Edition First Published in June 2016
©Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.
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Format 280mm×280mm
ISBN 978-988-8394-78-4