OpenVPN 2 Cookbook

Chapter 2. Client-server IP-only Networks

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Setting up the public and private keys
  • Simple configuration
  • Server-side routing
  • Using client-config-dir files
  • Routing: subnets on both sides
  • Redirecting the default gateway
  • Using an ifconfig-pool block
  • Using the status file
  • Management interface
  • Proxy-arp


The recipes in this chapter will cover the most commonly used deployment model for OpenVPN: a single server with multiple remote clients capable of routing IP traffic.

We will also look at several common routing configurations in addition to the use of the management interface at both the client and server side.

The last recipe of this chapter will show how it is possible to avoid the use of network bridges for most practical use cases.

As a routed, TUN-style setup is the most commonly used deployment model, some of the sample configuration files presented in this chapter will be reused throughout the rest of the book. In particular, the configuration files such as basic-udp-server.conf, basic-udp-client.conf, basic-tcp-server.conf, and basic-tcp-client.conf from the recipe Server-side routing will be reused often, as well as the Windows client configuration files basic-udp-client.ovpn and basic-tcp-client.ovpn from the recipe, Using an ifconfig-pool block.