Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online Cookbook

Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online Cookbook

Over 100 actionable recipes to help you perform everyday tasks effectively in Microsoft 365

Gaurav Mahajan
Sudeep Ghatak


Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online Cookbook

Copyright © 2020 Packt Publishing

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Commissioning Editor:Pavan Ramchandani
Acquisition Editor:Sandeep Mishra
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First published: June 2020

Production reference: 1260620

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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ISBN 978-1-83864-667-7

I would like to dedicate this book to my parents for showing me the true meaning of hard work and for all their sacrifices; my wife for taking care of everything else while I was busy writing, and for letting me do the talking in the book; the little munchkins in our lives - my niece, nephew, and daughter for keeping us inspired with their infectious laughter and energy.
- Gaurav
I would like to dedicate this book to my parents for helping me along the path of knowledge and for making constant sacrifices so that I could have a good future, my wife for taking care of me and the family, my brother for his continued encouragement, and my lovely daughter for her unending love.
- Sudeep