Unit 05 我这个月都快入不敷出了。
I can hardly make ends meet this month.
hardly 几乎不
make ends meet 使收支刚好能相抵
month 月
keep track of every penny 记下每笔收入和支出
payday 发薪日
on a budget 控制预算的
steady 稳定的
paycheck 薪水
low on cash 缺钱
hard up 缺钱
live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口过活
flat broke 身无分文
right now 现在
afford 能支付
tighten budget 减少预算
cut spending 缩减开支
cut down 削减
unnecessary 不必要的
expenditure 开支
cut the frills 减少不必要的开支
family 家庭
take care of 照顾
understand 明白
trip 旅行
cost 花费
1. I will keep track of every penny.我会记下每笔收入和支出的。
2. Today is payday. 今天是发薪日。
3. We have to start living on a budget.我们得量入为出。
4. I stay within a budget. 我量入为出。
5. I made a steady paycheck. 我收入稳定。
6. I’m low on cash this month!我这个月正缺钱呢!
7. I’m a bit hard up.我手头有点紧。
8. I had to live from hand to mouth.我不得不勉强糊口过活。
9. I’m flat broke right now.我现在身无分文。
10. I can’t afford that.我付不起这个费用。
11. I have to tighten our budget and cut our spending.我不得不减少预算,缩减开支。
12. They cut down unnecessary expenditure.他们削减了不必要的开支。
13. We must cut the frills.我们必须减少不必要的开支。
I do have a family to take care of. 我得养家糊口呢。
A: I don’t understand why you won’t come on the trip with me.我不明白你为什么不跟我一起去旅行。
B: I do have a family to take care of.我得养家糊口呢。
How much will it cost me? 那得花费我多少钱?
A: You’re going to need a new sink.你需要一个新的水槽。
B: How much will it cost me? 那得花费我多少钱?
We have to keep an eye on our spending. 我们得留意开支了。
A: Let’s go out for dinner tonight.我们今天晚上出去吃饭吧。
B: I don’t think we should. We have to keep an eye on our spending.我想我们还是不要出去吃了。我们得留意开支了。
I’m on a tight budget. 我现在的预算很紧。
A: You should really get those shoes. They’re so cute.你真的应该买那双鞋。非常可爱。
B: I can’t. I’m on a tight budget.我买不了。我现在的预算很紧。
Your money is burning a hole in your pocket. 你花起钱来毫无节制。
A: Your money is burning a hole in your pocket.你花起钱来毫无节制。
B: I know. I really need to save more.我知道。我真的得多存点钱了。