Main Characters and Main Places

白春水 Bái Chūnshuǐ
A math professor of an American university. His English name is Jack.

毛步康 Máo Bùkāng
A good friend of Bai Chunshui. They met each other when they studied at the same college in Britain. Mao Bukang lives in China now.

白明天 Bái Míngtiān
Bai Chunshui's father. He was born in mainland China and moved to Taiwan with his father. Later, he immigrated to America and started a company.

白秋树 Bái Qiūshù
Bai Chunshui's grandfather, a successful businessman. He moved to Taiwan with his son, Bai Mingtian. He is retired now and lives in America.

黄雨晴 Huáng Yǔqíng
Bai Chunshui's grandmother. She lives in mainland China and has passed away.

白雨晴(又叫白雪)Bái Yǔqíng (as known as Bái Xuě)
Bai Chunshui's aunt. She lives in mainland China. She was organically called Bai Xue.

约翰 Yuēhàn
John, an office clerk of Bai Chunshui's department
浙江省 Zhèjiānɡ Shěnɡ: Zhejiang Province
月亮湖 Yuèliɑnɡ Hú: The Moon Lake, a lake in Zhejiang Province
月亮城 Yuèliɑnɡ Chénɡ: The Moon City, a small city in Zhejiang Province
加州大学 Jiāzhōu Dàxué: University of California
长城 Chánɡchénɡ: The Great Wall
明华饭馆 Mínɡhuá Fànguǎn: A Chinese restaurant
美国 Měiguó
中国 Zhōnɡguó
北京 Běijīnɡ
上海 Shànɡhǎi
台湾 Táiwān
(All the proper nouns in the text are underlined, such as in 白春水)