7.9 Assembly of Accessories Welded to the Absorber Body
7.9.1 All bearing beams of the spraying bank shall be installed as specified below:
1 The permissible elevation deviation of the bearing beams is 3mm.
2 The permissible elevation deviation of the supports on the absorber wall is 2mm.
3 The upper surfaces of the bearing beams shall be flat,all welds shall be ground smooth,and the permissible deviation of flatness shall be 3mm.
4 The permissible deviation of the horizontal distance between two adjacent bearing beams on the same layer is 5mm.
5 Inspection holes shall be furnished on both ends of the beam so that the inspector outside the absorber is capable of monitoring any leakage due to beam corrosion.
7.9.2 All bearing beams of the mist eliminator shall be installed as required below:
1 The permissible elevation deviation of the beams is 3mm.
2 The permissible deviation of the horizontal distance between two adjacent bearing beams on the same layer is 5mm.
3 The upper surface of the bearing beams shall be flat,all welds shall be ground smooth,and the permissible deviation of flatness shall be 3mm.
7.9.3 All openings and connecting pipes shall be installed as required below:
1 The center position deviation of absorber body openings shall not be greater than 6mm.The deviation of pipe external extension length shall not be greater than 5mm.
2 All manholes,maintenance doors,mounting holes and observation doors shall be accessible for the operators from the platforms ladders,and shall be easily opened and closed and free of blockage or jamming.
3 All flange sealing surfaces of connecting pipes shall be flat and free of any welding beading or scratches.The surfaces shall be perpendicular to the axis of connecting pipes,and inclination degree shall not exceed 1% of the external diameter of the flange and not exceed 3mm.All flange bolt holes shall be distributed symmetrically on the center lines.
4 All connecting pipes subject to on-site internal anticorrosion work shall not be too long,and shall be sized to meet the requirements of internal surface treatment and anticorrosion work.Slender connecting pipes that are too long shall be made of an anticorrosive alloy material or non-metallic material.
7.9.4 Sufficient space for anticorrosion work is required when installing and welding the absorber internals.
7.9.5 Welding inside and outside the absorber shall be completed prior to the anticorrosion work.All anchoring elements on the absorber such as pipe supports,platforms and ladders shall be welded as shown on the design drawings prior to the anticorrosion work.
7.9.6 Installation of agitator seat:
1 The seat shall be installed in such a manner as to effectively withstand negative impacts on the absorber wall and its internal anticorrosion lining due to agitator vibrations.
2 The permissible elevation and position deviations of the seat shall be 5mm.The permissible deviation of the angle of inclination shall be as specified in the Supplier's technical requirements.
3 The relative position of the agitator and oxidation air lance shall be as specified in the agitator supplier's technical requirements.
4 All interfaces shall be firmly connected,and all seals shall be free of any leaks.
7.9.7 Installation of ladders,platforms and handrails:
1 The permissible position deviation shall not exceed 10mm.
2 All platform interfaces shall be flat,free of convex deformations and mounted firmly.
3 All rails/handrails shall be free of burrs or sharp edges.All welded positions shall be ground smooth and mounted firmly
4 Continuous welding shall be applied at positions connected to the absorber,and all welds shall be made to the full degree.
5 Expansion compensation requirements due to temperature changes shall be considered when a platform,ladder or support is rigidly connected to the absorber and other structures at the same time.
6 Other requirements regarding fabrication,installation and acceptance shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB 4053.1-GB 4053.3.