Question 7: What are the personal tips needed to take care of the pregnant women staying at home?
As COVlD-19 mainly is transmitted through respiratory droplets and close contact, pregnant women should stay at home and avoid going out as much as possible, so as to reduce the risk of infection. They must ensure the following:
(1) The rooms should be regularly ventilated and maintained at a suitable room temperature; the toiletries,bedding and tableware of the pregnant women should be reserved for their personal use ideally.
(2) Pregnant women should wash their hands frequently. When they are not sure about the hand hygiene,they should not touch the eyes, mouth, or nose; they should cover their nose and mouth with elbows or tissues when sneezing.
(3) Pregnant women should be guided to maintain nutritional balance in their diet, take reasonable exercises,and ensure effective weight management; to maintain a positive and optimistic mindset and build up a congenial family atmosphere with their family members.
(4) Visitors from outside should be minimized to avoid contact between pregnant women and COVlD-19 cases and high-risk groups.