5.Words Differentiation
Indigo dye和Shibori的词义辨析
(1)Indigo dye,蓝靛染,一种传统植物染方法,染出非常特殊的蓝色。indigo现在经常指牛仔服装的蓝色。
Indigo dye is an organic compound with a distinctive blue color. Historical-ly, indigo was a natural dye extracted from plants, and this process was important economically because blue dyes were once rare.A large percentage of indigo dye produced today—several thousand tons each year—is synthetic.It is the blue of-ten associated with blue jeans.
Shibori is a manual resist dyeing technique, which produces patterns on fab-ric. The word comes from Japanese.The main fabrics were silk and hemp, and later cotton.The main dye was indigo and, to a lesser extent, madder and purple root.There are an infinite number of ways one can bind, stitch, fold, twist, or compress cloth for shibori, and each way results in very different patterns.
