1. 主格(Nominative Case)
a. 名词的主格和宾格同形。
b. 代词的主格和宾格:I、me;he、him;she、her;we、us;they、them;who、whom;thou、thee(很少用);you(两者同形);it(同形)。代词主格的用途:
(1)用为主语 I will come.
(2)用在 be 动词之后为补语,That is he. 但 It is me. 现在白话中是通用的了,但只限 me 一词而已,其他的代词则不可。
1. I have no doubt at all that it was her who spoke.
2. Her and Mrs. C. were expected here today.
3. It was her who wrote that letter,not him.
4. Him and his father were both taken ill that day.
5. Whom do men say that I am?
6. I would not do it,if I were him.
7. I was quite certain that it could not be her.
8. Who made that noise?Not him,sir,but me.
9. Were you there,or was it him that I saw?
10. Them that are idle are not wanted here.
11. Her father and me will soon find out where she is.
12. Tom,William,and me went out for a ramble.
13. Him and me were playing at marbles outside the school door.
14. May Robert and me go out for a walk by ourselves?
15. I have a son,whom I intend shall learn Greek.
2. 宾格(Accusative Case)
a. 为动词的目的语:I like her.
b. 为介词的目的语:They are laughing at me.
c. 用在“to be”之后,而“to be”之前有及物动词和其目的语时:
That man is so like Tom that I took it to be him.
d. 用在 like、unlike、near 等形容词之后,The portrait is very like him.
A. 下列句中之代词,其格(case)有错误者,改正之:
1. He asked John and I to go to lunch.
2. I knew it to be he.
3. I knew that it was her who called me.
4. He hurried Tom and I out the back door.
5. The lucky ones who received the prizes are Jenny,Collins,and me.
6. He wishes Henry and I to remain this evening.
7. We believe you and he to be entirely above suspicion.
8. The superintendent wishes to see you and I at five o’clock.
9. If I were him,I wouldn’t ask for a vacation at this time.
10. Why didn’t you tell Ira and I that you weren’t going?
11. It must have been Ella and him who rang up when we were out.
12. When he got off the train,there were John and myself waiting to greet him.
13. The secretary and myself will prepare a statement for the meeting.
14. The Entertainment Committee holds it’s meetings in Room 13.
15. For the life of me I can’t think of who to recommend.
16. John called the secretary and I into his office.
B. 用第一人称或第三人称代词填入空白处。
1. He thought the burglars were____.
2. He mistook the burglars for____.
3. William is better at his lessons than____.
4. It is____.
5. The portrait is very like____.
6. Nobody volunteered except Edward and____.
7. ____boys have formed a debating club.
8. Mr. Jones is going to give____boys a baseball field.
9. Who is there?____.
10. Between you and____I am not sorry that he has resigned,
11. If I were____I would study art.
12. Arthur likes you better than____.
13. Behind Ruth and____came the guest of honor.
14. Automobiles are not for such as____.
15. It was____that Joseph meant.
16. ____two are always together.
17. Richard dislikes everybody,____most of all.
3. Case of pronoun after“than”or“as”
用在连词 than 或 as 之后的人称代词,其格须与为其比较对象的名词或代词一致。
(1) |
He is as wise as she(is). He is wiser than she(is). |
(He 为 She 的比较对象) |
(2) |
He loves her better than(he loves)me. He loves her as well as(he loves)me. |
(her 为 me 之比较对象) |
(3) |
He loves her better than I(loves her). He loves her as well as I(loves her). |
(He 为 I 之比较对象) |
故 |
He likes you better than I. He likes you better than me. |
都是不错的,若在 I 后补上 like you,在 me 前补上 he likes, |
则知何以要用 I 或 me 了,因一为省去的动词 like 之主语,而一则为省去的动词 likes 之目的语。
至于动词为 be 之场合,则如例(1)所示,代词概为主格,因其为省去的动词 is 的主语,自不能用宾格,所以 He is taller than me. 和 He is as tall as me. 皆是错的,me 必须改为 I。
注意:用在 than 之后的关系代词“who”,必须用宾格 whom。
A. 将下列句中省去的动词补出,勿改变 than 或 as 之后的代词的格:
1. He is as clever as I,but not so clever as Tom.
2. I have not written so much or so clearly as he.
3. Tom has seen that man quite as often as I.
4. Tom has seen that man quite as often as me.
5. They take as much pleasure in work as he in idleness.
6. The dog barks more fiercely at you than at them.
7. The writer understood the subject better than they.
8. He is better off than I in money,but I am better off than he in knowing how to spend it.
9. None are so blind as they who will not see.
10. The mother likes to be admired as much as he.
11. So brave a man as he was never seen before.
12. That book impressed me more than him.
13. Few men have been more witty than Dickens.
14. He is more true to his friends than they to him.
15. In one lesson I made more faults than he in two.
B. 代词的格有错者改正之,且将省去的动词补出:
1. You had quite as good a chance of success as me.
2. A and B are better off than us in everything.
3. My partners have gained more than me by this plan.
4. Though her brother has studied more books than her,he has not so much common sense as her
in daily life.
5. He rides better than her,but she sings better than him.
6. That author wrote a much better book than him.
7. He is richer than me in cash,but not in reputation.
8. None are so deaf as them that refuse to hear.
9. I never before saw any girl so pretty as her.
10. Very few persons spoke so well as him at the meeting.
11. He is more convinced than me of the truth of that saying.
12. No one is more to be pitied than him for what has happened.