“他每天上午工作四小时”,英文译成“He works four hours every day in the forenoon.”,不知对否?中文把一日分为早晨、上午、下午、夜晚四段时间,英文是否一样?
【解答】 译文并不错,不过“上午”译成forenoon,略嫌太正式了一点,应改为常用的意义相同的morning一字:
He works four hours every day in the morning.
提到morning我们心目中只会想到早晨,如“He came to see me on Sunday morning.(他礼拜天早上来看了我。)”。又如晨星为morning star,晨祷为morning prayer,早报是morning paper等,都是指的早晨。比喻用法则为初期,如the morning of life(生命的初期,青年时代)。但此字的原意实为由黎明到正午,故整个上午都包括在这字的范围之内,早晨只是它的一部分而已。
He works in the morning and plays in the afternoon.(他上午工作,下午玩耍。)
What have you been doing all morning? (你整个上午做了些什么?)至于下午的afternoon是指从正午到五点钟光景的那一段时间。例如:
He came yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午他来过了。)
I saw him on Sunday afternoon.(我在星期天下午看见他。)
I shall be busy this afternoon.(今天下午我会很忙。)
When a guest comes to see you in the afternoon, you say “Good afternoon” to him.(午后有客人来,你向他道“午安”。)
从下午五点以后到晚上九、十点光景的这一段时间,英文叫作evening,是属于夜的初期(early part of the night),此字中文可译作“晚”“夕”“暮”“黄昏”。例如:
The evening is very cool.(晚间很凉快。)
He passed a merry evening with his friends.(他快乐地和朋友们共度了一个晚间。)
After the evening it is night.(在黄昏之后就是夜了。)
All shops are closed at eight o'clock in the evening.(晚上八点钟所有商店都关门了。)
On an autumn evening we enjoy the moonlight.(我们在秋夜赏月。)
He came home very late at night.(他夜里很迟才回家。)
During the night we sleep; during the day we work and play.(我们在夜里睡觉,在白天工作和玩耍。)
Did anybody come last night? (昨夜有人来吗?)
I shan't be back before tomorrow night.(明天夜里以前我不会回来。)
夜校说evening school或是night school都可以,因为那通常是从七点起到九、十点钟为止,跨着evening和night两段时间的。一般应该用evening school才对,因为以起始的时间为准,不过night school是对day school而言的。
在一日之内早晚不同的时候见面或分手,英文都有一定的语句来说,如Good morning(早安), Good afternoon(午安), Good evening(晚安),至于分手时在白天说Goodbye(再会),在夜间则说Good night(再会)。Good day译为“日安”的话,Good night又可译为“夜安”了。