



美国木材厂不会寻求ecocertification。US wood company -× eco 听力会说美国工厂会寻求ecocertification。本文会用三个理由来证明为什么美国工厂不会寻求ecocertification,因此是典型的观点理由型文章,听听力时注意是反驳理由本身还是反驳逻辑。


customers不care这个label。customer × trust label 要么说customer trust,要么说就算customer不trust,工厂也会去追求ecocertification(这个听起来有点不靠谱)。


ecocertification会让产品变贵,贵了反而不好卖。$ (examine) 要么说不会贵,要么说就算贵了也会ecocertify。


只关注国内市场就可以了,国内消费者对现有产品是满意的。cater to domestic,satisfied 可以说不仅仅要关注国内市场;或者说国内消费者并不会满意;或者说就算关注国内市场,而国内消费者很满意,但还要追求ecocertification。


will…seek ecocertification是废话,符合预期,不需记录。无需笔记

First,准备听人们不care这个label。companies…don't treat all advertising the same,这句话一出现,接下来肯定要对比,当然我们并不知道他要具体对比什么。distinguish between…claims that companies make about their own products and claims made by independent…agencies,这句话一出现,本段已经彻底清楚了。肯定是说人们不在意的只是商家的自吹自擂,而这种ecocertification是第三方评估,人们是在意的。have…confidence in independent agencies是废话。Thus… react very favorably…也是废话。treat × same, ownproducts vs. independent agencies (confidence)


Second,准备听价钱。of course,让步;care…about price…But…price alone determines…decisions only when…听到这个only when,就知道这个句子其实是要否定价钱的重要性了,继续听when the price…much higher or lower。接下来肯定要对比说:price区别不大时,就不会是决定因素,而ecocertification的问题带来的price差别肯定不大。When the difference…small,say,less than 5%,as is the case with certified wood,Americans often do choose on factors other than price,这几乎都是废话。convinced of the value of…environment,指出人们如果真正在这个情况下可能更关心factor。<care $ >, muchhigher / lower, × 5% ↓, value of environment


Third,准备听国外市场。should…pay attention…internationally,看起来和阅读直接对着干了。Not because of foreign consumers… but because of foreign competitors,这下反驳策略已经确定了,虽然不用管国外用户,但是要关注国外竞争者,国外竞争者会用ecocertification的产品来战胜美国工厂。good chance that many American consumers…interested in ecocertified products,and…If American companies are slow,foreign companies will…crowding into…这只是把刚才预见到的东西说出来了而已,基本是废话。× foreign customers,√ competition, slow →foreign companies crowd in

本段逻辑梳理:确实不用考虑国外用户,但得考虑国外竞争者,如果不生产ecocertified products,国内用户还想要这些products,那国外产品肯定就涌进来占据市场。


The article presents three arguments to support its prediction that wood companies in the United States will probably not try to receive ecocertification for their products. However,all the arguments are questioned by the lecturer.典型的观点理由型文章的开头。

First,the lecturer does not believe that American consumers will be indifferent to the eco-friendly label这里体现了听力与阅读争论的是阅读的前提本身,即消费者不care这种label。,because even though they tend to ignore a label a company uses to promote its own products,they do have confidence in labels that an independent agency issues. Therefore,it is very likely that American consumers will react favorably to this trustworthy ecocertification.

Second,the lecturer does not believe that the higher price generated by the ecocertification will stop consumers from purchasing the products这里体现了听力与阅读争论的是阅读的逻辑:价钱确实高了,但这个价钱高并不会影响消费者。,because even though consumers can be sensitive to prices,they do not have a clear preference when the price difference is smaller than 5%,as is in the case between other wood products and the ecocertified ones. Therefore,given Americans' raised awareness of environmental protection,it makes sense for wood companies to get their products ecocertified.

Last, while the lecturer concedes that American wood companies do not need to worry about foreign customers, he argues that they still need to watch out for foreign competitors. If American companies are slow to catch the ecocertification trend, companies from other countries will potentially crowd in to provide products that better satisfy American consumers.