Like and dislike
60. 你对这个怎么看? / What do you think of it?
61. 我觉得很棒。 / I think it's great.
62. 我对那个很满意。 / I'm pleased with it.
63. 这个一点也不好。 / This is no good at all.
64. 这不是我的喜好。 / It's not my cup of tea.
65. 服务太差了。 / The service is terrible.
66. 我再也忍受不了了。 / I can't take it anymore.
67. 这个我一点都不喜欢。 / I don't like this at all.
68. 我不喜欢吃辛辣的菜。 / I'm not very fond of spicy food.
69. 本来应该更好的。 / It could be better.