
EUROIMMUN is an international provider of medical laboratory products and complex analysis instruments. The company is also committed to basic research and cooperates with scientists from many universities,including very successfully with Prof. Yan Huiping since 1997.We benefit from the great potential which is nowadays becoming so evident in China. The Chinese and the Germans have so much in common:Both are known for their ingenuity,organisational talent,hard work and cheerfulness.
Prof. Yan Huiping is a pioneer in hepatology and is renowned worldwide for her work in this area. I enjoy a deep friendship with her and admire her great achievements. Working together we have managed to improve the health of people and promote science in China to the best of our ability. Cooperation of this kind is essential for good international relations and contributes to peace in the world.Politicians should maintain the conditions so that exchange in all areas is further encouraged and the friendship strengthened.
