52.Peritoneal Dialysis腹膜透析
Nurse: Mrs. Wu,how do you do? Based on your present condition the doctor has decided to give you a peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is a process that can help you get the useful substances from dialysis solution and at the same time remove the waste products from your body. Do you know about this procedure?
护士: 吴女士,你好。医生根据你目前的病情决定为你做腹膜透析术(腹透)。通过腹透使透析液中的有用物质进入你的体内,同时将你体内的代谢废物等随透析液排出体外,从而达到治疗目的。你了解这个手术吗?
Patient: I know a little. The doctor talked to me a while ago. He said he will open a small hole on my abdomen and put in a tube there.
病人: 知道一点,刚才医生跟我谈过,说是要在腹部开一刀,然后放上一根管子。
Nurse: Yes. This procedure is called“peritoneal dialysis tube insertion”. The procedure can be done under local anesthesia. The doctor will make a small cut(three to four cm)on your abdomen and insert a silica gel tube of forty-one cm long. A small portion of the tube will remain outside the abdomen and be connected with a small tube will be used to perform the peritoneal dialysis.
护士: 是的,这个手术叫腹透管置管术。这种手术只要在局部麻醉下就可以进行了。在你的腹部做一个约3~4cm的切口,将一根长约41cm的硅胶管放入腹腔内,腹壁外留出一小段,然后外接一根短管即可透析。
Patient: I am a little afraid.
病人: 唷!我听了心里有点害怕。
Nurse: I know you will have some concerns. Please follow me to the demonstration room. I will show you the whole procedure and peritoneal dialysis on the analogous human body.(Demonstrated to the patient in the demonstration room)
护士: 我知道你会有顾虑的。请你跟我一起到示范室去,我将在模拟人身上为你演示整个手术和腹膜透析的过程,让你有一个全面的了解。(在演示室示范)
Patient: I am beginning to understand it. I am feeling better now. Do I need to stay in the hospital to do the peritoneal dialysis all the time? Do I need to do it every day or once every several days?
病人: 噢,现在我有点明白了,害怕的感觉好一点了。那么做腹透需要一直住在医院里吗?是每天做一次,还是几天做一次呢?
Nurse: Peritoneal dialysis is a renal substitute method. You have to do it every day,about three to four times a day. Every time a bag of dialysis solution(2000ml)will be introduced into and remain in the abdomen for three to four hours. In the hospital we will train you and your family members with related knowledge. After you have learned it,you can do it at home. And by then you will be able to do some light housework as well. The tube inside your abdomen will be remained all the time and the small tube should be changed every two to three months. If you want to accept further treatment,such as kidney transplantation,the peritoneal dialysis tube will be pulled out.
护士: 腹透作为肾脏替代疗法,每天都需要做。一般一天做透析3~4次,每次一袋透析液(2000ml)在腹腔内保留3~4小时。在医院内我们会对你和你的家人进行相关知识的培训。等你们完全掌握该操作以后,可以出院在家自行透析,还可以从事力所能及的家务。在腹腔内的透析管一直留在腹腔内,外接的短管一般2~3个月更换一次,如果你准备做进一步的治疗,如肾移植,到时可将腹透管拔除。
Patient: Now I am only allowed to eat some vegetables. What kind of diet should I have after the peritoneal dialysis? Can I take a bath?
病人: 我现在只能吃一些蔬菜,那么做腹透以后饮食上面要注意些什么?还有,我能不能洗澡?
Nurse: Because you will lose a small amount of protein from the dialysis procedure,you need to eat food with high quality of protein such as milk,eggs and meat. You also need to take vitamins. Water is not limited. So you do not need to eat like before. But be sure the food is clean and avoid infection of abdomen. You can take a shower,but no bath.And when taking a shower,you need to take care of the tube by using some 3M tapes or the nursing bag to protect the opening.
护士: 每次透析过程中你都要丢失一部分蛋白质,因此要注意补充优质高蛋白饮食,如牛奶、鸡蛋、瘦肉等,还要补充维生素。水分一般不必限制,因此饮食不再像以前一样受到限制,但要注意卫生,避免腹腔感染。如果洗澡的话,要将腹腔管保护好,可用3M肤贴或造口护理袋,一般可淋浴,禁止盆浴。