49.Comforting Care舒适护理
Nurse: Mr. Li,can you tell me where you feel uncomfortable?
护士: 李先生,你哪儿不舒服,告诉我好吗?
Patient: My whole body is uncomfortable.
病人: 我觉得全身不舒服。
Nurse: It is wound?
护士: 是伤口疼痛吗?
Patient: No. I’m using the analgesic pump now,but still do not feel well.
病人: 不是,我用了镇痛泵。但是还是觉得浑身难受。
Nurse: Maybe you have lay on your back too long. Let me help you to change your position.(The nurse assisted the patient to lie on his side,and arranged the abdominal cavity drainage tube and the gastrointestinal decompression tube to the proper position.)
护士: 可能是在床上平卧的时间长了,让我来帮你换个体位,好吗?(护士协助病人翻成侧卧位,并妥善安置好腹腔引流管及胃肠减压管。)
Patient: I dare not turn my body with so many tubes on me. I really feel like pulling them out,especially the gastric tube through my nose.
病人: 这么多管子在身上,我都不敢翻身。我真想拔掉这些管子,尤其是这根从鼻子插进去的胃管。
Nurse: You have made through the operation. These tubes are very important to you,because they can help you recover quickly. Don’t be afraid,insist for two more days,let’s overcome the barrier together.
护士: 这么大的一个手术你都挺过来了,这些管子现在对你很重要,它们会帮你尽快恢复的。不要怕,再坚持两天,我会尽力和你一起渡过这个难关的。
Patient: What’s the function of these tubes and when will they be removed?
病人: 这些管子到底有什么作用?要多久才能拔掉呢?
Nurse: Usually there will be some blood and fuid accumulated in the abdominal cavity after operation. The two drainage tubes placed in the abdominal wall are used to help drain these fuids. After two or three days,when the drainage fuid decreases,the doctor will put out the tubes for you. The gastric tube is uses to drain the gastric juice and some accumulated blood from your stomach. Portion of your stomach has been removed and the remaining portion was connected to the intestines below. In order to heal the wound better and more quickly,the gastric juice must be drained out in time. If the tubes were taken out too early,the fuid would be accumulated in the stomach,and the wound could be split by the weight of the fuids.
护士: 手术一般都会在腹腔内留下积液、积血。插在腹壁上的两根引流管主要是帮助引流腹腔的积血或积液。两三天后,引流液明显减少,医生就可以帮助你拔掉这两根管子了。至于胃管,是引流胃液和一些手术后的血液用的。你的胃部被切掉一部分,并和下面的肠子做了吻合。为了吻合口能愈合得更快、更好,胃本身分泌的胃液必须及时引流出来,否则会影响吻合口的愈合。过早拔掉管子,胃里液体太多,张力大了会让吻合的伤口裂开。
Patient: But the gastric tube irritates my throat. It is really unbearable.
病人: 可是,胃管刺激我喉部的感觉,真难以忍受。
Nurse: Try to take deep inhalation,then exhalation,like what I am doing(giving a demonstration),it will make you feel better. You will feel more uncomfortable if you keep focusing and pay too much attention to these tubes.
护士: 你尝试着深吸气,再呼气,像我一样(示范深呼吸的动作)这样会好一些。如果你的注意力都在这几根管子上,不舒服的感觉就会更明显了。
Patient: Could I ask my wife to bring the radio for me tomorrow?
病人: 明天,可以让我爱人把收音机带来听吗?
Nurse: Of course,I was just about to suggest you to do so. You can do other things as well.Just do not think of the tubes too often.
护士: 当然可以,我正想建议你这样做呢。你还可以做一些其他的事情,只要不经常想这些管子,就会感觉好多了。
Patient: OK,I’ll try to overcome the diffculties since they are so important to me.Thank you very much.
病人: 好的。这些管子既然那么重要,我会尽量克服的。谢谢你。