11.Mechanical Ventilation机械通气
Nurse: Mr. Wang,you have been under the oxygen therapy for two hours now,how do you feel?
护士: 王先生,你已经吸了两个小时的氧气了,感觉如何?
Patient:(waving his hands impatiently)Not so good. I still feel distressed. I am having a hard time breathing. It just feels so exhausting.
Nurse: I understand. Try to rest for a moment. I’ll call the doctor now.
护士: 我知道了。你先休息一会儿,我马上去向医生汇报。
(The nurse came back to the patient again.)
Nurse: Mr. Wang,the doctor has come by to check on you. Following his order I am going to put you on a non-invasive breathing machine. It will help you breathe,so you can feel more comfortable.
护士: 王先生,医生刚才来看过你了。我现在遵医嘱准备给你使用无创呼吸机,让呼吸机来帮助你呼吸,这样你可能会感觉舒服点。
Patient:(waving his hand nervously)No,no. I don’t want to use the machine. I’ll be better in a moment.
Nurse:(smiling)Mr. Wang,don’t be so nervous. This isn’t the same kind of respirator we used in the past. It is a mini-respirator,and with few unfavorable effects. We will put a face mask on you and all you need to do is to breathe normally.
Nurse: Yes,you see,here is the respirator.
护士: 是的,你看,我已经把呼吸机带来了。
Patient:(turned his head to look at the machine)Oh.
Nurse: Mr. Wang,let me adjust the parameters of the respirator and the tube connections frst,then I will help you to put on the mask,is that all right?
护士: 王先生,我现在把呼吸机的参数调好,把管道连接好以后给你把面罩戴上,好吗?
Patient:(reluctantly)OK. Let’s give it a try.
Nurse:(fnished the operation dexterously)Mr. Wang,are the straps of the mask on properly?
(The patient nodded his head.)
(The nurse helped clean the patient’s bed.)
(The patient pointed to the face mask with a stressful expression.)
Nurse:(took off the face mask)What’s the matter?
Patient: It is not working,I feel even more distressed. I rather go back to the oxygen therapy.
病人: 不行,不行,我觉得更闷了。我还是像刚才那样吸氧气吧。
Nurse: Mr. Wang,many patients have experienced the same feelings when they frst put on the mask. If you endure for a few minutes,you will get used to it. Let’s try it again,OK?
护士: 王先生,刚开始上这种呼吸机时,好多病人会出现与你一样的情况。你只要坚持几分钟就会适应的。我们再来试一下,好吗?
Nurse:(helped the patient to put on the mask again,and patted his shoulder)Mr. Wang,breathe normally,don’t hold your breath. Right,that’s it. Not bad. I will stay here to observe you.
(The patient nodded.)
Nurse:(observed for about fve minutes)Mr. Wang,how are you feeling now? Do you feel better?
(The patient nodded.)